My Blog List

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Individual pics of the pups and random activities

Big Boy -  Holding down the fort.

Little Boy – Benjamin Button

Naughty Boy – Up to no good.

One of the Girls – Snow White.

The Girl with an attitude.

Flower Girl :)

One of the twins (this is the first born)

Sister Act 

Sister Act II

The Three Amigos

Or the Three Muskateers?

Nap Time

Make room for me!

So cute when they try to share the tiny space inside the basket

Snow White – Posing like a princess

Maxing and Relaxing

Teaching a new dog new tricks.

On the prowl


What are you looking at?

Hippity Hop

Stinky feet!

Casper – Watchdog

Coco – Happy Mother's Day!

Family reunion @ 4wks

Family Shot w/ Beau and Coco

Male Bonding w/ Beau and Casper

Straight as an arrow.

.. or not?

The parents' profile

Beau (Father)
An 8yrs old Bichon.
Personality -  Friendly, calm and collected.

Coco (Mother)
An 8yrs old Cockapoo
Personality – Strong-willed, gentle and loving.

    Pups at 3 weeks old - Eyes wide open

    • Life:  Nursing, playing, cuddling, exploring and sleeping.

    The one on the right was the first born girl

    The biggest boy in the pack

    Almost identical twin with the boy above

    Sleeping Preference:  Side-by-side in the fetal-position.

    In the background: Casper with a birds-eye-view admiring the puppies. 

    Life's miracle...

    After the first pup was born we eagerly anticipated the birth of the next. Hours had passed but no pups followed.  We checked with the vet and everything seemed normal, however things had turned for the worst. A C-Section was needed to salvage the six remaining pups. Miraculously all the pups along with Coco were alive and well!

    Close to due date

    1 day before labour
    1st pup came out @6:30pm (Dec. 11, 2010)
    1st born girl

    Still recovering from the C-Section, Coco was able to nurse.

    First day home (Dec. 12, 2010) –  Sleeping like babies.
    • Thank God for such a miracle!
    • Please check back for updates!

    p.s: Special thanks to Eric Tai for making this blog possible!!!

    Welcome to the Peppy Paws' Blog page!


    This blog is a little corner to share our precious moments with our wonderful pets (Coco & Casper) and their pups.  Well, not exactly their pups because Casper was neutered...OOps...did I say it's not from Casper?  Well, the father of the pups is Beau, a very cute and handsome Bichon, and Coco is a Cockapoo.
    Beau, Coco & the pups

    Both Beau & Coco have great personalities, so one thing I know for sure these pups are a good mix.  I'll try to keep this blog update as often as I can so thank you for stoping by and if you have great stories with your pets, please feel free to share with us.
    Casper - The care giver

    Thank you and god bless!